
The scientific program presents four sessions covering the following topics:

Session I: Biodiversity and access to genetic resources

Session II: Strategies for breeding and selection of new sustainable ornamentals

Session III: New Genomic Techniques and ornamental plant breeding

Session IV: Ornamentals for a suitable world

For each session, two key lectures will introduce the considered topic (30 min presentation). From four to six communications  (15m for presentation and 5 min of discussion) will be selected for each session. The posters will be displayed from Sunday 2nd July to Wednesday 5th July; the electronic version of posters will be available also on line for all the participants all over the symposium.

The Welcome reception and Registration will be held on Sunday 2nd July from 16h00 to 18h00.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Registration desk will be open from 8h00 to 9h00.

A post-symposium tour will be organized on Thursday 6th July from 8h00 to 17h00. More details will be provided soon.




                            SUNDAY 2nd JULY (Botanic Garden of University of Genova, Corso Dogali 1M)

16h00-18h00     Welcome Reception and Registration

18h00-20h00     City Tour


                                           MONDAY 3rd JULY (Aula Magna of University of Genova Via Balbi 5)

8h00-9h00         Registration

9h00-9h30         Institutional Welcome

                            9h30-12h50      Session I: Biodiversity and access to genetic resources
                                                    (Chairs: Neil Anderson; Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez)
9h30-10h00    Keynote speech:
From wild species to ornamental crops. A never-ending story
Rodrigo Barba-Gonzalez, CIATEJ a.c, Guadalajara (Mexico)


110h00-10h20    Keith Allen Funnell, Wayne Blissett (New Zealand): Ethical plant access – experiences in New Zealand 
10h20-10h40    Sajad Alipour, Nasim Safari, Ramiar Majidi (Iran): Iranian Dionysia, domestication to commercialization (YMA)


10h40-11h00    Coffee break


11h00-11h30    Keynote speech:
Short notes on breeding using botanical species to produce innovative ornamental products
Flavio Sapia, Hybrida srl, Sanremo (Italy)


11h30-11h50    Paul Arens, Natascha van Lieshout, Martijn van Kaauwen, Linda Kodde, Michiharu Nakano, Richard GF Visser, Makoto Kusaba, Richard Finkers, Rene MJM Smulders (The Netherlands):   Towards understanding the genome complexity of hexaploid chrysanthemum
11h50-12h10    Liesl Bower-Jernigan, Neil Anderson (USA):  Chrysanthemum arcticum subsp. polaré is genetically distinct from other taxa in the Chrysanthemum arcticum species complex
12h10-12h30    Nasim Safari, Ali Tehranifar, Mahdiyeh Kharrazi (Iran): Iris ferdowsii, a threatened and endangered Iranian Iris  
12h30-12h50    Rafael Aguirre Zarate, Jose Merced Mejia-Muñoz, Teresa Colinas León, Jesús Juárez Hernández,  Juan Porfirio Legaria Solano, Keith Richard William Hammett  (Mexico): Interspecific hybridization of Dahlia (Asteraceae) for the development of varieties with ornamental value  


13h00-14h15    Lunch


      14h15-17h50    Session II- Strategies for breeding and selection of new sustainable ornamentals  
                                              (Chairs: Johan Van Huylenbroeck; Stephanie Saade)


14h15-14h45    Keynote speech:
Sustainable production of greenhouse ornamentals using plant growth promoting bacteria
Michelle Jones, Ohio State University (USA)


14h45-15h05    Philipp Franken, Julia Brandes (Germany): The mycorrhiza responsiveness of a petunia RIL population is influenced by environmental and genetic factors
15h05-15h25    Mehrdad Akbarzadeh, Johan Van Huylenbroeck, Stefaan Werbrouck, Emmy Dhooghe (Belgium): Breeding opportunities in Geraniaceae: Enhancing Genetic Diversity and Ornamental Traits (YMA)
15h25-15h55    Esther Geukens, Kurt Heungens, Erik Smolders, Leen Leus (Belgium): A bio-assay to screen Ilex crenata for tolerance to high soil pH and black root rot resistance


16h00- 16h20    Coffee break


16h20-16h50    Keynote speech:
Genomic analysis of inflorescence development and double flowering in bigleaf hydrangea
Lisa W. Alexander, USDA-ARS FNPRU, McMinnville (USA)


16h50-17h10    Ewout Van Oost, Katrijn Van Laere, Kathy Steppe, Peter Lootens, Bert De Rybel, Leen Leus (Belgium): Evaluation of frost tolerance screening methods to support hardy lavender breeding (YMA)
17h10-17h30    Andrea Copetta, Alex Alberto, Marina Laura, Mario Rabaglio, Fabio Fusco, Barbara Ruffoni (Italy): In vitro biotechnology to support anemone breeding (Anemone coronaria L.)
17h30-17h50    Juana Cordoba, Keith Funnell, Duncan Hedderley, Nick Roskruge, Ed Morgan (New Zealand):  Nitrous oxide treatment increases the proportion of viable pollen and the pollen size in Limonium perezii


18h00-19h00    Poster session


19h00-19h30    Eucarpia business meeting


20h30- 22h30    Ligurian evening reception


                                     TUESDAY 4th JULY (Aula Magna of University of Genova Via Balbi 5)


8h00-9h00    Registration

9h00-9h30    Welcome by the representatives of ISHS and EUCARPIA


           9h30-12h50    Session III: New Genomic Techniques and ornamental plant breeding- part I
                                                           (Chairs: Paul Arens; Kexuan Tang)


9h30-10h00    Keynote speech:
Gene editing to support breeding in ornamental species
Jan G. Schaart, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding (The Netherlands)

10h00-10h20    Kexuan Tang, Xueqing Fu (China): Efficient genome editing in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) using CRISPR/Cas9 system
10h20-10h40    Wilco Ligterink, Stephanie Saade  (The Netherlands):  Genomic tools to enable development of new sustainable ornamental products


10h40-11h00    Coffee break


11h00-11h30    Keynote speech:
Sustainability in ornamentals needs effective protection of Intellectual Property
Edgar Krieger, CIOPORA, Hamburg (Germany)


11h30-11h50    Bixuan Cheng, Chao Yu (China): Compiling molecular evidence from a tetraploid rose genome to a nearly saturated map for identification of pigment-related genes   (YMA)
11h50-12h10    Ellen De Keyser, Tom Eeckhaut, Jaroslaw Tyburski, Natalia Mucha, Katrijn Van Laere, Emmy Dhooghe (Belgium): Breeding for drought tolerance in chrysanthemum with Rhizobium rhizogenes as a natural gene-donor
12h10-12h30    Matteo Martina, Ezio Portis, Alberto Acquadro, Edoardo Vergnano,  Lorenzo Barchi, Sergio Lanteri (Italy): The first reference genome of Ranunculus asiaticus L. reveals a key region for anthocyanin pigmentation (YMA)
12h30-12h50    Philipp Rüter, Thomas Debener, Traud Winkelmann (Germany): Unravelling the genetic basis of rose transformation with Rhizobium rhizogenes using a genome-wide association study    (YMA)


13h00-14h15    Lunch


        14h15-15h25    Session III: New Genomic Techniques and ornamental plant breeding- part II
                                               (Chairs: Jan G. Schaart; Lisa W. Alexander)


14h15- 14h45         Keynote speech:
Noncoding Genome- controlling plant morphology and flowering
Prem L Bhalla, University of Melbourne, Parkville (Australia)


14h45-15h05    Tanja Harrass, Matthias Gundermann, Dr. Conny Tränkner (Germany): Towards genetic characterization of remontancy in Hydrangea macrophylla
15h05-15h25    Hilary Rogers, Matthew Casey, Ilaria Marchioni, Bianca Lear, Anthony Stead (UK): Using transcriptomics to identify gene markers for flower longevity in dahlias


                                  15h25- 18h20    Session IV: Ornamentals for a suitable world 
                                                       (Chairs: Prem L Bhalla; Michelle Jones)


15h25-15h55    Keynote speech:
Ornamental plants in different contexts that favor sustainability and quality of life
Rossana Porta, Senior horticulturalist- plant designer, London (UK)


16h00-16h20    Coffee break


16h20-16h50   Bonifazio C., Varaldo L., Tripi. S., Savona M., Mascarello C., Camerini L., Minuto L. (Italy): The use of psammophilous flora in the Mediterranean low-impact gardens (YMA)
16h50-17h10   Moumita Malakar, Margherita Beruto, S. Jayasavitha, S. Sankavi, S. Sivabalan  (India): Drying, a sustainable way of bringing diversity in the ornamental sector  (YMA)
17h10-17h30   Francesca Bretzel, Sara Gabellini, Francesca Papini, Silvia Scaramuzzi (Italy): Wildflowers valorise sustainable agriculture, local cultural identity and territorial development
17h30-17h50    Matteo Caser, Giulia Daniele, Nicole Sebesta, Elena Barni, Federica Larcher (Italy): New insights on management strategies for invasive species in urban environment and selection of new sustainable ornamentals 


17h50-18h20    Keynote speech:
"Flora & Green" are the new must in communicating your sustainable reputation
Maurizio Abbati, expert in Environmental Communication and Sustainability; Sanremo (Italy)


18h30-19h30    Poster session
20h30-23h00    Gala dinner


                                                                          WEDNESDAY 5th JULY

                  Technical tour (optional activity to be indicated in the registration form)
Option 1    Visit to the floriculture companies in the West-part of Liguria
Departure from Genoa, first stop at Albenga (SV). 

Visit to the farm “Azienda Agricola Biologica RaveraBio” which is located in Albenga, area renowned for the production of aromatic plants throughout Italy and abroad. The farm has a long tradition in the cultivation of several aromatic plants (basil, coriander, tarragon, chives, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, rocket, sage, savory, thyme). No pesticides or herbicides are used and the farm got the certification Bioagricert. A recent innovation was achieved by the production of edible flowers. The packages of the products are environmentally friendly and are made with recycled, recyclable and biodegradable materials. During the visit Dr. Luca De Michelis, President of the Floriculture District, will introduce the participants to the Ligurian floriculture industry. Second stop at Taggia (Imperia) to visit Diemme Fiori, a company specialized in the production and import-export of dried flowers, ornamental plants, fresh green and fresh cut flowers. During the visit we will see the facilities for dried flowers and for dried essence used as home fragrance. The company has several certifications thanks to their attention to the sustainable production and the recycling. After lunch, we will move towards Ventimiglia (IM) to reach the Hanbury Botanic Gardens, one of the main botanic gardens for acclimatization in this area of the Mediterranean operated by the University of Genoa. We will visit the plant collections with about 2500 taxa. Many of the species are plants from the six climate zones of the world. Major collections include agaves, aloes, and salvia, as well as fine old specimens of Araucaria cunninghamii (planted 1872), Casimiroa edulis (1867), olive trees, Olmediella betschleriana, and Pinus canariensis (1870). At Hanbury Botanical Gardens we will have the closing ceremony which will be held online connected with the University of Genoa where the Tour number 2 will end the visit. 

Option 2    Visit to the historical gardens in Genoa
Visit to Villa Pallavicini in Genoa Pegli and other gardens and parks in Genoa included the Botanic Garden of the University of Genoa. It will be possible to attend on line the closing ceremony held in person at Hanbury Botanic Gardens.

                                                                          THURSDAY 6th JULY


Post- symposium tour
    The post-symposium tour is confirmed for a limited number of participants: as of July 2 there are still a few free places. The Portofino Regional Park Authority supports the organization. The program includes leaving from Genoa by boat to reach San Fruttuoso and Portofino, a truly wonderful glimpse of the Ligurian coast.
Only 5 km from Portofino and 40 km from Genoa, the San Fruttuoso abbey is a corner of paradise you can reach only by ferry or on foot. This one-time Benedictine monastery (Xth century), from the 13th century the abbey’s fate became intertwined with that of the Doria family, who renovated its design, adding the loggia and transferring here the family burial ground. The Abbey and the fishing village around it stand as a true oasis in a unique scenario, amid the earth and the woodlands of Mount Portofino and the blue sea of eastern Liguria.

Poster presentations

Posters could be displayed from 03 July till 04 July 2023 in the poster room at the symposium venue. A specific link will be also provided to the participants to display the on-line posters.

P 1.1    Laphakorn Lertsutham, Klaus Olbricht, Tsu-Wei Chen, Ina Pinker (Germany): Linaria Mill. - A genus with ornamental value and breeding potential
P 1.2    Maria de Jesús Juárez Hernández, Darcy Erandi Ramiro Alvarado, Juan Martinez Solis. M. Gisela Peña Ortega, José Mascorro Gallardo (Mexico): Morphological characterization of amaryllis (Hippeastrum Herbert) genotypes
P 1.3    Senjiro Harada, Sho Yamamoto, Hayato Morimoto, Takafumi Sakomura, Yuta Abe, Tomoki Hotta, Miru Kawakubo, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Shogo Shukuya, Takashi Handa (Japan): Genetic diversity of wild population and identification of uncertain cultivars of Hydrangea serrata by SSR analysis (YMA)
P 1.4    Andrea Copetta, Elena Balzani, Claudio Cervelli, Barbara Ruffoni (Italy): Conservation, characterization and enhancement of accessions and species of the Salvia genus
P 1.5    Juan Martinez Solis, María de Jesús Juárez-Hernández, M. Gisela Peña-Ortega, Darcy Erandi Ramiro-Alvarado (Mexico): Molecular characterization of amarillys (Hippeastrum Herbert)
P 1.6    Edna Fabiola Valdez Hernandez, Roberto Carlos Rodriguez-Valdivia, Santos Gerardo Leyva-Mir, Jose Luis Rodriguez-De la O, Ma. de Jesus Juárez-Hernández, José Merced Mejía Muñoz (Mexico): Determination of a protocol for the in vitro germination of Tillandsia usneoides
P 1.7    Amando Espinosa-Flores (Mexico): Genetic improvement program of some ornamental mexican species at Autonomous University Chapingo
P 1.8    Mariola Plazas, Marina Martínez-López, Edgar García-Fortea, Pietro Gramazio, Santiago Vilanova, Jaime Prohens (Spain): A new miniature dwarf eggplant with interest as potential ornamental plant
P 1.9    Renato Paiva, Afonso Ricardo de Souza, Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira Paiva (Brasil): Seed and embryo cryopreservation as strategy to ornamental plants and genetic resources conservation   
P 2.1    Ewout Van Oost, Leen Leus, Katrijn Van Laere, Bert De Rybel, Kurt Heungens (Belgium): Screening for Phytophthora resistance in Lavandula spp (YMA)
P 2.2    Chao Yu (China): Analysis of secondary metabolome and Chinese medicinal components in rosehips based on widely targeted metabolome  
P 2.3    Mehrdad Akbarzadeh, Ellen De Keyser, Stefaan Werbrouck, Johan Van Huylenbroeck, Emmy Dhooghe (Belgium): Compact hardy geranium by use of Rhizobium rhizogenes  (YMA)
P 2.4    Leila Fazlikhani, Julia Schumache, Frauke Engel, Conny Tränkner (Germany): Identification of Botrytis cinerea tolerant plants of Hydrangea macrophylla
P 2.5    Shusheng Wang, Marie-Christine Van Labeke, Johan Van Huylenbroeck, Leen Leus (Belgium): Evaluation of pH tolerance in Rhododendron genotypes
P 2.6    Johan Van Huylenbroeck, Katrijn Van Laere, Leen Leus, Peter Lootens, Irene Borra-Serrano (Belgium): Woody ornamental breeding and selection assisted by UAV-imagery
P 2.7    Selene Citlalli Soria Arteaga, Rodrigo Barba Gonzalez (Mexico): Evaluation of the effect of Nitrous Oxide on the ploidy level of Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) (YMA)
P 2.8    Su Young Lee, Ka Youn Lee, Yae Jin Kim, Hye Ryun An, Se Jin Kim, O Hyeon Kwon (Korea- Republic of): Genetically modified ornamentals (ardisia, petunia, and rose) developed in National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal of Korea
P 2.9    Rodrigo Barba Gonzalez, Horacio Kenneth Vargas Merino, José Manuel Rodríguez-Domínguez,Ernesto Tapia-Campos (Mexico): Evaluation of the effect of nitrous oxide (N2O) under pressure on the ploidy of Tagetes erecta
P 2.10   Federico Di Battista, Giulia D'Orazio, Marcello Militello (Italy): Rating Eucalyptus species for their adaptability as cut foliage production in Liguria
P 3.1    Ki-Byung Lim, Deepo Deen Mohamad (Korea- Republic of): Cytogenetic comparison of Hibiscus syriacus with Hibiscus moscheutos by FISH and Flowcytometry
P 3.2    Matteo Martina, Alberto Acquadro, Ezio Portis, Lorenzo Barchi, Sergio Lanteri (Italy): Application of K-seq genotyping protocol in Ranunculus asiaticus (L.) and A. coronaria (L.)   (YMA)
P 3.3    Matteo Martina, Lorenzo Barchi, Davide Gulino, Fabio Brusco, Mario Rabaglio, Alberto Acquadro, Ezio Portis, Sergio Lanteri (Italy): Microsatellite-based identification of di-haploid plants by androgenesis in Anemone coronaria L
P 3.4    Hilary Rogers, Rajhee Dhorajiwala, Paul Devlin,Walter Dewitte (UK): Approaches to understanding bud opening in lilies
P 3.5    Ka Youn Lee, Su Young Lee, Kyoung Ran Do, Se Jin kim, Hye Ryun An, O Hyeon Kwon, Yae Jin Kim (Korea- Republic of): Microscopic analysis of the stem surface and comparison of expression of MYB family transcription factors according to prickle formation stages in rose 'Pink Beauty'
P 4.1    Mauro Mariotti, Costantino Bonomi, Sara Magrini, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Joe Bavcon, Valentino Casolo, Roberta Ceriani, Luciano Di Martino, Lara Dixon, Giuseppe Fabrini, Stefano Raimondi, Cristina Salmeri, Mariacristina Villani, Joseph Buhagiar, Antonia Cristaudo (Italy): Using selected Habitat European Directive species as garden plants: challenges and opportunities
P 4.2    Francesca Boero, Elena Zappa, Stefano Ferrari, Fernando Monroy, Mauro Mariotti  (Italy): Role of botanic gardens for ornamental plants conservation through sustainable management: case studies at Hanbury Botanic Gardens (YMA)
P 4.3    Serena Viglione, Margherita Beruto (Italy): Succulent plant diversity as a boost for a sustainable Ligurian floriculture
P 4.4    Poonam Devi, Valeria Lobbi, Marina Laura, Andrea Copetta, Barbara Ruffoni, Angela Bisio (Italy): Metabolite production from hairy root biomass in Salvia spp  (YMA)
P 4.5    Hanna Shin, Hae-Yun Kwon, Young-Im Choi (Korea- Republic of): Morphological characteristics of inflorescence and trunk in golden-rain trees (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.) selected for the development of novel street trees from six regions of Korea
P 4.6    Jose Merced Mejia-Muñoz, Miguel Rosales, Eliseo Sosa Montes, Claudio Flores Espinosa, Jesús A. Ramirez Vázquez (Mexico): Dahlia parvibracteata for agriculture and floriculture in Mexico