


Start of ABSTRACT submission

31 October 2022

ABSTRACT submission deadline

28 February 2023

ABSTRACT modification deadline

10 March 2023

FULLTEXT PAPER submission deadline

31 May 2023

FULLTEXT paper modification deadline

31 July 2023



Abstract submission for the XXVII International Eucarpia Symposium-section Ornamentals- From Nature to Culture: Breeding Ornamentals for Sustainability is online. 

All abstracts and papers must be submitted through ROSA, the Responsive Online System for Acta Horticulturae submission and review. To submit your abstract, please visit the following link: and check carefully the ISHS authors guide for abstracts and full papers ( .

To submit an abstract, it is mandatory to have a valid ISHS user account. If you already have a valid ISHS user account, please proceed directly to the submission. If you do not yet have an ISHS user account, please create your user account at prior to abstract submission.

Each first/corresponding author can submit a maximum of two abstracts and only one oral presentation.

The submitted abstract will be revised by the Scientific Committee and the accepted abstracts will be published in the Bulletin of Environmental and Life Sciences (, available on line.

The submitted fulltext papers will be revised by the Editors and Editorial Board and the accepted papers will be published in Acta Horticulturae (



During each ISHS Symposium two Young Mind Awards for junior scientists are given, one award for the best oral presentation. and one award for the best poster. Students, junior scientists interested in participating in the ISHS Young Minds Award should indicate this when submitting their abstract by ticking the appropriate box available in the abstract entry page. By indicating his/her interest in the ISHS Young Mind Award the junior scientist confirms to meet the criteria for participation and agrees to accept the terms and conditions. For more details: